The current issue of the liberal news and entertainment rag City Pages, from its parody cover image (right) to the cover story (well-fisked by Gary Gross), epitomizes the left's familiar ad hominem strategy against popular conservative politicians like Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN6) and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin.
As they camp out overnight in cold weather to greet the former vice-presidential candidate on her book tour, Palin supporters should take care to not let their support deteriorate into an Obama-like cult of personality. Palin herself has said it in recent interviews: "It's not about me." It's about the Constitution, limited government, lower taxes, and free markets.
When the left condescendingly dismisses Palin, Bachmann, or other popular conservative as crazy, they shift the focus away from first principles and the controversies of important issues like the economy, national security, health care, transporation, education. From there, it's not much of a leap to conclude that anyone who follows these crazies must be crazy too, or at least a dupe (e.g., the Tea Party patriots). When Republicans keep at arm's length from these outspoken conservatives without speaking out for the values they are trying to protect, they are not doing anyone any favors — except for the Democrats.
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