Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Flood buckets

The United Methodist Church Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has mobilized United Methodist churches around the world to provide relief to the victims of Hurricane Katrina. UMCOR's projects include assembling "flood (cleanup) buckets" and personal hygene kits for flood victims. These projects give relief efforts a practical, from-our-family-to-yours dimension. Instructions are available at your local United Methoist Church, and at the UMCOR web site.

We made assembling our flood buckets a family project last Friday. It helped to make Katrina, and the suffering of its victims, more real for us and our kids. We spent in the neighborhood of $60 per bucket for two buckets. Some of the bottled items are called for in smaller sizes, so that everything fits in a five-gallon bucket with lid. We had to go to three different stores to find the entire list, but it was such a minor inconvenience to help two families suffering from this disaster.

Flood buckets

On Sunday, our pastor has challenged the entire congregation to donate one flood bucket or hygene kit per family. He has secured a truck to transport the completed kits to the Gulf Coast next week.

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