
Monday, January 08, 2007

Sue Jeffers: goodbye Stub and Herb's, hello politics

I asked Sue Jeffers, who lost to Tim Pawlenty in the 2006 Republican gubernatorial primary election, to update North Star Liberty readers on her life after politics, but it sounds like a report of Sue's exit from politics would be greatly exaggerated.

This is great news for conservatives, who have been rather crabby lately, what with the 2006 elections and seeing Terri Bonoff (DFL-Minnetonka) being sworn to her first full term in the Minnesota Senate by Hennepin County Judge and former Republican HD 43B Rep. Ron Abrams. (We're not bitter, just a little crabby.) As a leader, Jeffers may be feisty, but she is always upbeat, positive, and optimistic — qualities in short supply on the right these days.
Running for Governor was a fantastic experience and even though I lost, I hold my head high and I know I made a difference. I was proud to speak out for issues I care strongly about, reducing the size, scope and high cost of government and to stand for life, liberty and property rights.

As I often said on the campaign trail, running for office is tough but not as tough as running a small business in the state of Minnesota. My children have asked that the next time I have a midlife crisis could I please do so a little less publicly! They are also happy not to have to eat any more fast food or hot dish! My home life is sort of returning to normal, and I use the word loosely because my life has never been normal as compared to others.

On the professional front I have decided to sell my bar. After 28 years in the hospitality business, a business that I love, it is time for a change of pace. After the election, several job offers came my way but none seemed to fit. During my campaign I met many like-minded conservatives and groups that I continue to stay in touch with. Many are interested in running for office in the future and I am strongly encouraging them.

One excellent group of people I did become involved with is the Twin City Republican Association. We are working hard to take back our party. We believe some party officials and elected officials continue to move further to the left as they stray from the conservative values our party stands for. This played a key role in the losses for the Republican party in the last election. We will be hosting a membership drive on Jan. 23 with Jason Lewis as our guest speaker. Go to for additional information.

The year 2008 will be here before we know it, and we must have candidates on the ballot, representing our ideas, values and principles who will give us a reason to vote for a candidate. We can no longer tolerate voting for the candidate who is the "lesser of two evils," has an "R" behind their name or because the party leadership told us to. Standing on principle, we will win elections.

The Democrats will help us win because they cannot stop spending our tax dollars and asking for more. In the first week of the session, with a $2 billion surplus, the Dem's have proposed six new tax increases. You can be sure more are on the way. I am hopeful that our elected Republicans will remain the conservatives they promised us they would be when we elected them. I am hopeful Governor Pawlenty will use his veto pen. I am confident that we can take back our party.

I don't know where my path will take me, and am often asked if I will run for office again. At this point in time, I simply don't know. I will keep you posted because where ever I end up, you can be sure I won't go quietly — I never do!

Sue Jeffers

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