
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The morning after

"One day, quite suddenly and without warning, the same thing will happen to you."—HRH Queen Elizabeth II, to Prime Minister Tony Blair, in The Queen

"For over a thousand years, Roman conquerors returning from the wars enjoyed the honor of a triumph — a tumultuous parade. In the procession came trumpeters and musicians and strange animals from the conquered territories, together with carts laden with treasure and captured armaments. The conqueror rode in a triumphal chariot, the dazed prisoners walking in chains before him. Sometimes his children, robed in white, stood with him in the chariot, or rode the trace horses. A slave stood behind the conqueror, holding a golden crown, and whispering in his ear a warning: that all glory is fleeting."
—from Patton

Steve Seel doesn't quite know what to make of me as we meet, at MPR Galactic Headquarters (photo: Julia Schrenkler)

Thank you to Minnesota Public Radio for allowing this low-profile blogger to liveblog from the top tier of the blog pit at last night's "Election Night Policy and a Pint" event. I met many talented professionals, from the traditional news operation to new media and Public Insight Journalism. I got a chance to see fellow bloggers Robin and Steve Marty (Minnesota Monitor), Eva Young (Lloydletta's Nooz and Comments and Dump Bachmann), and Jeff Kouba (Bachmann v. Wetterling) in person. The event exceeded expectations for attendance. There were few visible technical glitches during an event that ran on technology. But the most amazing things about it were the audacious idea of creating an election night event with a new mixture of the public, pundits, music, radio, and the Internet; and that MPR, or at the very least a rogue band of visionaries within MPR, is redefining what a media outlet looks like in the 21st century, with creativity, technical innovation, and most difficult of all, the willingness to fail.

For my part, this was one of the most difficult things I have ever attempted: not only blogging in public, but blogging inside a circus of sensory and information overload.

West metro Republicans suffered disappointments but were not shut out. In the Minnesota Senate, reelected were: Sen. Geoff Michel (SD 41), Sen. David Hann (SD 42), Sen. Warren Limmer (SD 32), and Sen. Gen Olson (SD 33). Our friends Judy Johnson and Derek Brigham were unsuccessful in their challenges of DFL incumbents in SD 43 and SD 45 respectively. In the Minnesota House, Bill Cullen failed to beat incumbent DFLer Maria Ruud (SD 42A), but Erik Paulsen kept his seat in 42B, Dave Johnson lost the open seat in 43B to John Benson, but Sarah Anderson came from behind to beat Sandy Hewitt for the open seat in 43A. Joyce Peppin (HD 32A) and Kurt Zellers (HD 32B) won their races, while Steve Smith, unopposed in 33A, and John Berns in HD 33B, also won.

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