
Friday, May 05, 2006

Online petition for a referendum on stadium taxes

An online petition has just been posted to demand that Governor Tim Pawlenty veto any stadium bill that does not include a referendum on any stadium tax:
Dear Governor Pawlenty,

We, the undersigned Minnesota Taxpayers, demand that you, Tim Pawlenty, Governor of the State of Minnesota, VETO all stadium funding bills that do not allow us, the taxpayers, the right to vote for any sales tax increases.

This is what the law requires, and we demand that you uphold the law.

Thank you,

The Undersigned Taxpaying Citizens of The State of Minnesota
The petition was created by an activist named Shar in Minneapolis. Shar says in an e-mail to referendum supporters, "LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR, THIS IS NOT ABOUT BEING ANTI-STADIUM; THIS IS PRO-REFERENDUM. I want to be able to vote, and should a referendum vote be cast that says, 'Yes, WE THE PEOPLE are willing to fund this new stadium,' then I will live with that decision."

My thoughts exactly. According to Shar, in the nine years since the state law was enacted requiring a referendum to approve a local option sales tax increase, the Legislature has never granted an exemption. If the sales tax is such a good idea, let's follow state law and have a referendum.

Sign the petition here.

1 comment:

  1. People should contact Geoff Michel about this. What torks me of is all these legislators that made a pledge to avoid raising taxes are voting for this bill - this wasn't a pledge to avoid raising taxes except when Hennepin County is involved.
