
Monday, February 13, 2006

Good news from Iraq

Anyone looking for a counterweight to the defeatist drumbeat from the left concerning Iraq should check out:
  • - a new web site that gives a progress report on helping Iraqis take control of their country and on making the United States safer from terrorists. (As John Hinderocker said, "My own guess is that liberals aren't afraid that the Midwest Heroes are wrong. They're afraid they're right.") You may see the Midwest Heroes ad on TV during the Olympics.

  • Laura Ingraham - check out the blog and photos from Laura's fact-finding, troop morale boosting trip to Baghdad.

The mission is not without its challenges and setbacks, but it is not without its successes either.

UPDATE: Hinderocker was right. When KTLK-FM's Brian Lambert interviewed Lt. Col. Robert Stephenson, USMC, of and, the best he could come up was to change the subject from Iraq to linking Stephenson to a group called the Alliance for the Separation of School and State, solely via a petition he signed several years ago. Co-host Sarah Janecek was embarassed and apologized to Stephenson on air for Lambert's attempt at a backhanded ad hominem attack. Listeners anticipating a fisking of Stephenson's statements by Lambert, supported with facts, were left wondering, "where's the beef?"

1 comment:


    An overwhelming majority of 72% of American troops serving in Iraq think the U.S. should exit the country within the next year, and nearly one in four say the troops should leave immediately, a new Le Moyne College/Zogby International survey shows.

    So we can assume the is nothing more than a minority group wanting to 'market' their value of war...
