
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

MOB goes to Ol' Mexico for winter confab


Last Saturday, the Minnesota Organization of Bloggers (MOB) convened its winter social at Ol' Mexico Restaurante & Cantina, one block north of Larpenteur Avenue on Lexington Avenue in Roseville.

As usual, first to welcome this blogger into the room with an outstretched hand and an introduction to the two other bloggers in his knot of conversation was the inimitable
Mitch Berg, Shot in the Dark and AM 1280 The Patriot. Nearby, I sighted MOB luminaries Brian "Saint Paul" Ward, Fraters Libertas, and Andy Aplikowski, a.k.a. AAA, Residual Forces.

I spent some time catching up on the latest BPOU and CD3 gossip with my northwest suburbian SD45 neighbors Derek Brigham and Nancy "Lassie" LaRoche, Freedom Dogs.

I enjoyed a pint of Summit Maibock and some freshly made, very salty, and highly addictive tortilla chips with Walter Hudson, Fightin' Words. Hudson — affable, articulate, and a very compelling advocate of conservative values — was recently elected to head the North Star Tea Party Patriots, an umbrella group for independent Tea Party groups in Minnesota. He has been doing yeoman's work recently, making media appearances and speaking before audiences ranging from youth groups to the Legislative Evaluation Assembly of Minnesota.

I briefly chatted up that walking conservative brand Katie Kieffer,, about her interview at the Minneapolis auto show with a Ford spokesman about their innovative Sync technology.

Perhaps knowing how many Minnesota state GOP delegates are MOB bloggers, Hennepin County Commissioner Jeff Johnson and former state auditor Pat Anderson separately worked the room. Johnson and Anderson are both candidates for Republican National Committeepersons, which represent the state party to the national GOP.

As the evening wound down, the MOB filtered back into the night, like so many wired Punxsutawney Phils, to their keyboards until the next MOB event.