Monday, April 02, 2007

How do we get there from here?

Karl Marx will NOT be at the Tax Cut Coalition Rally, April 14, 2007"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." —Karl Marx

"House DFLers on Monday called their plan a bold attempt to lower property taxes and tie the tax more firmly to homeowners' ability to pay." —Star Tribune, March 27, 2007

"And how d'you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers! By 'anging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society." —Dennis in Monty Python and the Holy Grail

The Marxists are run amok at the Capitol, and the elections of 2006 made it possible. Should the Republican Party of Minnesota elect as big a tent of candidates as necessary in Minnesota — conservatives, "moderates," RINOs — enough to capture the majority in both houses, with legislative leadership (say, a Speaker Seifert and Senate Majority Leader Hann) and a governor strong enough to advance the conservative agenda?

Ideology aside, with the majority you get the gavels, that is, committee chairs, rules, you set the agenda and you get your way. With strong enough leadership and a large enough majority, can you neutralize the RINOs who de facto caucus with the DFL? Or do we take a hard right turn to energize the base, and "give voters a choice, not an echo?"

Further, how do you outspend Education Minnesota and How do you get your message out? These are the questions that I hope RPM chairman Ron Carey, and any challengers to his chairmanship, will address before the Republican State Central Committee meeting.

In the meantime, send a strong message to the Legislature at the Tax Cut Coalition Rally at noon on Saturday, April 14.

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